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Happy Birthday To Me!

Come and Join the Fun!

You are invited to come and celebrate my birthday on August 2. I will be turning 4 that day. It will be lots of fun--we'll have lots of cake and ice cream for everyone. Read on to find out more!


We'll be playing all kinds of fun games. It should be hot that day, so we're planning on getting out all of the water games, including the slip and slide and the water wall. We've also got a treasure hunt planned--come and find some prizes! lancesmith@lancesmithfreeservers.com

Be There, or Be . . .

Please be at the my house by 1:00 pm. We will be serving a picnic lunch. My house is located at 1245 Street Rd. Cool City, ST 12456, or call me at 123.123.1234, or email me at

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You don't need to bring a gift--just come have fun with us.
Captain STabbin, GangBang BangBoat , best gangbangsquad

RSVP or Questions

To RSVP or ask questions, please call at 123.123.1234 or send us an e-mail at